University Honors College - The Honorable mention

Job Opportunity – Primary Hall Preparatory Charter School

Posted by Tim on May 4, 2020 in Buffalo Bits, Community Announcements, Job Opportunity, Volunteering

This message is on behalf of Arielle Peterson, Executive Director of Primary Hall Preparatory Charter School, a K-5 school for the East Side of Buffalo. They are working diligently to bring a quality school option to the community and operate with the belief that developing and retaining excellent teachers is critical to the work.

They are looking for driven, passionate individuals who are ready to stand in front of students each day and teach for lifelong impact.

If you know of anyone who fits this bill please send their information to You can also submit candidates using the following link. Open positions can be found To hear a message from the ED please use this link. If you would like to contribute in other ways please reach out to Director of Operations, Ariel Flaggs, all are welcome!