University Honors College - The Honorable mention

Society and Computing Club Research Project…New opportunity for students interested in Social Justice

Posted by Tim on March 4, 2022 in Honors Experiences, Research Information and Opportunities

Do you want to engage in a low-stakes, high reward research project that examines a pressing social and technological issue? If so, we invite you to join the Society and Computing Club Research Team to tackle the following question:

Do predictive policing algorithms reflect, exacerbate, or create racial bias within the policing system?

We will explore this research question through a ten-week project – discovering concrete evidence to support our claims and brainstorming solutions to these issues. We plan to create a website that centralizes information about racism within predictive policing algorithms with this research.

We hope to build a strong team of dedicated researchers eager to tackle this urgent issue. We welcome people from all years, majors, and experience levels – therefore, no previous research experience is required! All we ask is that you commit to at least two hours per week for independent research and group meetings.

Please fill out this short form if you are interested in joining us! This is just to gather interest; we will be in touch with more information before you decide.

Google form:

We look forward to seeing your submission!