University Honors College - The Honorable mention

Society and Computing Club Seeks New Members

Posted by Tim on January 25, 2021 in Community Announcements, Networking, Stress Relief

Inspired by the recent documentary The Social Dilemma, I’ve decided to start the Society and Computing Club, dedicated to examining the implications of computing on society at large. In general, we want to look at algorithms, machine learning, big data, human computer interaction and how they affect our society. Some topics include (but are absolutely not limited to): social media and its effects on mental health and political polarization, how algorithms can perpetuate racial and gender bias, the law and current events surrounding data privacy rights. 

So, I’m on the hunt for interested students! If any of the above or related topics interest you, please do the following:
1. Visit the club charter to find more club specifics 
2. Follow the instructions to fill out the interest form

This club is meant to be interdisciplinary, so we are looking for members of all majors across UB!

Lastly, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Alex Liu, senior computer science major at UB and, for the purposes of this club, concerned citizen.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,