University Honors College - The Honorable mention

Art & Activism: An Afternoon with Poet Jillian Hanesworth

Posted by Tim on November 9, 2021 in Event

Dear UB Community,

Please join Cora P. Maloney Center (CPMC) on Monday, November 15th from 12-1 pm via Zoom for a program titled “Art & Activism: An Afternoon with Poet Jillian Hanesworth.”

Jillian Hanesworth is the city of Buffalo’s First Poet Laureate and a social justice spoken word artist who beautifully and masterfully couples artistic expression with activism to help create a more equitable world. After sharing some select pieces of poetry, we will have some reflections from UB’s Center for Diversity Innovation Visiting Scholars Crystal Z. Campbell and Octavio R. Gonzalez.

Please register for this program at the following link: